Donate to 1010 Care
Donate Online
Set up a recurring donation of any size or frequency! Donate to general support or to a program!
Donate By Mail
17038 San Fernando Mission Blvd.
Granada Hills, CA 91344
Donate In Person
Drop off donations at the above address,
M-F 8 am-5 pm. ‘In honor of’ gifts: Ask folks to donate to 1010 Care in honor of a birthday, holiday, wedding, quinceañera or bat/bar mitzvah! We will send special thank-you cards to all donors, and can provide brochures for your event.
Donate Stocks
1010 Care has an account _____ (acc#_____, DTC#___) so you can donate stock any time.
Long-Term and Planned Giving
Bequests, life insurance, retirement plans or charitable trusts with 1010 Care as beneficiary can provide legacy support in your name. If you have named 1010 Care in your will, we would love to share your story!
Contact Eddie, at 818-314-4185
Donate Vehicles
For working vehicles 1010 Care can use, contact Eddie at 818-314-4185; who can assist in processing your vehicle.
1010 Care welcomes all kinds of donations, both cash and goods:
We would love to talk to your group!
Invite a 1010 Care speaker to your workplace, school, club, or faith institution – We would love to share more about our work! Call or text Eddie at 818-314-418